
A module containing objects relating to the strand field within a PAF file.

The main class of interest here is Strand. To use it within your code, import it like so

from pafpy import Strand
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"""A module containing objects relating to the strand field within a PAF file.

The main class of interest here is `pafpy.strand.Strand`. To use it within your code, import it like so

from pafpy import Strand
from enum import Enum

class Strand(Enum):
    """An enum listing the possible values in the strand field of a PAF file.

    ## Example
    from pafpy import Strand

    strand = Strand("-")
    assert strand == Strand.Reverse
    assert str(strand) == "-"

    Forward = "+"
    Reverse = "-"
    Unmapped = "*"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.value)


class Strand (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enum listing the possible values in the strand field of a PAF file.


from pafpy import Strand

strand = Strand("-")
assert strand == Strand.Reverse
assert str(strand) == "-"
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class Strand(Enum):
    """An enum listing the possible values in the strand field of a PAF file.

    ## Example
    from pafpy import Strand

    strand = Strand("-")
    assert strand == Strand.Reverse
    assert str(strand) == "-"

    Forward = "+"
    Reverse = "-"
    Unmapped = "*"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.value)


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Forward
var Reverse
var Unmapped