Catalogue of mutations

Also referred to as a "panel" sometimes. This is the catalogue of mutations that confer resistance (or susceptibility). Provided via the -i/--panel option.

This file is a tab-delimited (TSV) file with four columns

  1. The gene name of the mutation
  2. The mutation in the form <ref><pos><alt>, where <ref> is the reference nucleotide or amino acid, <pos> is the 1-based position in the gene/protein, and <alt> is the nucleotide or amino acid the reference is changed to. <pos> is with respect to the type of mutation - i.e. if the mutation is a amino acid change, the <pos> must be position within the protein (codon position). Promoter mutations can be specied with a negative symbol - e.g. -10 means 10 nucleotide before the first position in the gene. One-letter codes are to be used for amino acids.
  3. The residue type - DNA (nucleotide change) or PROT (amino acid change).
  4. Comma-separated list of the drug(s) the mutation confers resistance to. Use NONE if the mutation is not associated with resistance.


pncA    TCG196TAG   DNA Pyrazinamide
pncA    T142R   PROT    Pyrazinamide
tlyA    S159*   PROT    Capreomycin
embB    M306N   PROT    Ethambutol
rpoB    C1275CCA    DNA Rifampicin
gid R137P   PROT    Streptomycin
gid R118S   PROT    Streptomycin
tlyA    G123GC  DNA Capreomycin
pncA    G97D    PROT    Pyrazinamide
fabG1   C-15X   DNA Ethionamide,Isoniazid