VCF to build reference graph

The input VCF (-b/--vcf) for build has some very particular requirements. If you aren't very familiar with the formal VCF specifications, please read them first.

This VCF file is what drprg uses to construct the reference graph from. Variants from it are applied to the skeleton reference genome. It represents the population variation you would like to build into the reference graph. For a greater understanding of these concepts, we recommend reading this paper.

To add variants from multiple samples, simply use a multi-sample VCF.

The CHROM field should be the gene name. As such, the POS is with respect to the gene. It's important to ensure the POS takes into account the padding that will be used when running build. A helper script for converting a VCF from reference genome coordinates to gene coordinates can be found here. In addition, drprg will raise an error if the coordinates are incorrect with respect to the annotation and reference genome you provide.

Example from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

We provide an example of how the VCF for the work on M. tuberculosis (MTB) was generated.

Call variants for population

The first step is to select the population of samples you want variation from. For the MTB reference graph, we took a subset of the 15,211 global MTB isolates published by the CRyPTIC consortium. Briefly, the 15,211 samples were individually variant-called using clockwork and then joint-genotyped using minos. The "wide" VCF obtained at the end contains genotypes for all 15,211 samples against all variants discovered across the population.

Note: the reference genome you call these variants against must be the same the skeleton reference.

(Optional) subset population

In our running example, we have 15,211 samples in our VCF. This is far too much to be useful for building a reference graph. This paper illustrates the problem nicely. In addition, Figure 3.2 and Sections 3.6.4 and 3.6.5 in this thesis show that using too many samples does not provide any benefit to variant precision or recall, but costs increased memory usage and CPU time.

To create a representative subset, we split the VCF file into separate lineage VCFs, where all samples in a VCF are of the same lineage. We randomly chose 20 samples from each lineage 1 through 4, as well as 20 samples from all other lineages combined. In addition, we included 17 clinical samples representing MTB global diversity (lineages 1-6) to give a total of 117 samples.

We generated the subsets by listing all samples in the VCF file

bcftools query --list-samples > samples.txt

and then splitting this list by lineage based on lineage classifications. If we have a list of Lineage 1 samples in a text file, we can get 20 random samples from it with

shuf -n 20 L1.txt > L1.subsampled.txt

we then combine all of these text files of sample names into a single text file, extract the 117 samples, and filter the remaining variants with

bcftools view -S samples.subsampled.txt wide.vcf.gz |
  bcftools view -a -U -c=1:nref -o MTB.vcf.gz

-a trims ALT alleles not seen in the genotype fields, -U excludes sites without a called genotype, and -c=1:nref removes positions there is no non-reference alleles.

You can find the resulting VCF (MTB.vcf.gz) we generated here.

(Optional) Manually add "orphan" mutations

We also manually added ~50 mutations that were commonly found in minor frequencies but were not contained in the population VCF.

This is done by creating a file of mutations of the form <gene>_<mutation> - this is effectively column 1 and 2 from the catalogue separated by an underscore. For example


the difference between this and the catalogue though is that DNA mutations should have the nucleotides in lowercase (e.g. rrs_g1484t). A VCF can be generated for this list of mutations using this script.

python -r ref.fa -m orphan_mutations.txt \
  -g annotation.gff -o orphan.vcf

We then merge this VCF of "orphan" mutations into the population VCF with

bcftools merge MTB.vcf.gz orphan.vcf |
  bcftools norm -c e -f reference.fa -o merged.vcf

-c e just tells bcftools norm to error if the REF alleles in the VCFs do not match the reference.

Extract catalogue genes from VCF

DrPRG expects the VCF CHROM field to be the name of the gene, rather than the reference contig/chromosome name - which is what we currently have. As such, the POS must be with respect to the gene. It's important to ensure the POS takes into account the padding that will be used when running build.

A helper script for converting a VCF from reference genome coordinates to gene coordinates can be found here. In addition, drprg will raise an error if the coordinates are incorrect with respect to the annotation and reference genome you provide. By providing this script with the catalogue/panel you will use in build, it will extract only those variants that fall within the genes in your catalogue.

python --padding 100 \
  -i catalogue.tsv -g annotation.gff --vcf merged.vcf -o final.vcf

final.vcf can now be used as the input VCF for build.