Download prebuilt index

The index subcommand can be used to download or list available indices.

To download the latest index version for all species

drprg index --download
# is the same as
drprg index --download all

If you only want the latest for a particular species

drprg index --download mtb
# is the same as
drprg index --download mtb@latest

Available indices

If you want to see what indices are available in the first place

drprg index --list
| Name         | Species | Version  | Downloaded |
| mtb@20230308 | mtb     | 20230308 | N          |

You can specify a version with the following syntax

drprg index --download mtb@<version>

where <version> is the version you want. If no version is provided, latest is used.

To see more information about each prebuilt index, head over to

Output directory

By default, indices are stored in $HOME/.drprg/, nested as species/species-version. So downloading version 20230308 of species mtb will produce an index at $HOME/.drprg/mtb/mtb-20230308/.

You can change the default output directory ($HOME/.drprg/) with the --outdir option. If you do this, you'll need to pass the full path to the index when using predict.

Full usage

$ drprg index --help
Download and interact with indices

Usage: drprg index [OPTIONS] [NAME]

          The name/path of the index to download

          [default: all]

  -d, --download
          Download a prebuilt index

  -v, --verbose
          Use verbose output

  -l, --list
          List all available (and downloaded) indices

  -t, --threads <INT>
          Maximum number of threads to use

          Use 0 to select the number automatically

          [default: 1]

  -o, --outdir <DIR>
          Index directory

          Use this if your indices are not in a default location, or you want to download them to a non-default location

          [default: $HOME/.drprg/]

  -F, --force
          Overwrite any existing indices

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')